Man work days and more : Using variations and multiplying factors
If ten children can finish ten biscuit packets in ten days, how long would 1 child take to finish one packet ?
20 boys make 15 tents in 3 days, if 35 tents are to made in 7 days but only half day of work is possible due to bad rains, how man extra boys will be needed ? (Ans 40)
5 men can make 5 carpets in 5 days working 5 hours a day, how long would it take to make 20 carpets, twice as big, working ten hours a day , with ten workers working at half the efficiency ? (Ans 20)
20 men can make 15 chairs in 3 days working 6 hours a day , how many chairs would 5 men make in 6 days, working 8 hours a day ?
A camp had food for 40 army men for 40 days, but after 10 days 20 more army men joined the group, for how many days can the camp sustain all army men ?
A camp had food for 40 army men for 40 days, but before the camp could begin 20 more army men joined the group, for how many days can the camp sustain all army men ?
if 5 men can build 20 chairs in 3 days, how many days will 8 new men take to build 32 chairs ? the new men are untrained and are half as efficient as the old team of men